Faire vivre l'humain au cœur de l'économie.

Bienvenue sur le blog de Finance for Entrepreneurs. Voici notre traduction de « finance for entrepreneurs » : mettre la finance au service des entrepreneurs ! Pourquoi ce projet ? Pour faire vivre l’humain au cœur de l’économie. Comment ? Suivant l’adage « Pour changer l’économie, changez les outils de mesure de l’économie », nous proposons 12 indicateurs d’évaluation et de dynamisation du capital-dirigeants (capital-humain). Ils permettent à nos adhérents certifiés d'animer des formations.

Finance for Entrepreneurs est un groupe de recherche, une communauté réelle. Notre intérêt commun ? La dimension humaine de l'entrepreneuriat et du capital-investissement. Depuis 2008, nous nous sommes constitués en association à but non lucratif, indépendante et autofinancée. Précurseurs en psychologie entrepreneuriale, nous sommes membres de l'Observatoire de l'immatériel.

jeudi 7 avril 2011

The Entrepreneurial Leadership : a selfImprovement story?

Rarely can entrepreneurs make a company succeed by themselves. This is much like the fact that greatest athlete doesn’t make sure that their team will win when the other players cannot perform. As a result, entrepreneurs need to be in a position to identify staffing needs, expertly fill them, and lead they to success.

Leadership is the process through which an entrepreneur is able to influence employees to achieve the objectives of the organization. To be an effective leader, an entrepreneur must:
1) build trust and confidence among employees and
2) effectively communicate with them.

Leaders can build trust in many ways. They can achieve it by working hard, maintaining a constant message and/or being available to solve employees’ problems among others. By showing employees that they are fully committed to achieving the vision, entrepreneurial leaders build trust and confidence in employees. This in turn yields high employee satisfaction and commitment.

Effective communications is equally critical to successful leadership. If employees are unclear about the company’s vision, and/or receive mixed messages over time, they will be unable to focus all of their efforts on achieving the company’s goals. Conversely, by delineating the company’s vision and goals, and reinforcing them over time with the same message, the company’s goals become engrained in its employees.

In addition to building trust and effective communications, other keys to entrepreneurial leadership include the following:

  • Seeking self-improvement: a great leader always seeks to become even better.
  • Possessing technical skills: While the leader may not need to have the greatest technical skills in their organizations, they need to be savvy enough to lead the team.
  • Accepting responsibility for actions: Leaders and companies always make mistakes. Great leaders don’t place blame on others.
  • Making decisions: Good leaders must make good and timely decisions.
  • Being a role model: A leader must set an example to employees and guide them to excel.

The ability to effectively lead is a crucial factor in the success, or lack thereof, in entrepreneurial ventures. By understanding and embodying what it takes to lead effectively, entrepreneurs can maximize their chances of success.

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